Would we like to have an auction house where items can be placed for sale by players?

Its one thing to have a work order book at the tinkers and enchanters guild, posting prices and such. But, a far nicer alternative would be to have actual items posted.

Lets say some tinker plays during a time when there are only like 5 people online, He crafts this magnificent sword but 1) can never get a chanter to chant it cause they are all offline or 2) cant sell it cause A) No one online wants it B) players of other time zones don't even know he can make good stuff.

For whatever the reason... equipment thats finished is lying around.

Then Joe Shmoe comes along to the Auction house and "considers" a weapon in the auctioneer's listing and sees the exact runes on the sword with chants (yeah, some detect magic specialist come along and appraised it perfectly and certified each weapons buffs).

I like it, I buy it, I never even met the tinker.

Or, a Chanter buys it, spices it up and reposts it.

I like it, I buy it, never even met the tinker and chanter.