01/04/08 07:47 PM
Party hist/tell hist

Party hist/tell hist do not seem to be adjusted for the new <history size> option that other lines now have. I.e "party hist 100" returns the same 10 lines as simple "party hist".

01/04/08 08:23 PM
Re: Party hist/tell hist

They are not. I do not know if I will get to those. The problem is that those histories are stored in actual memory, not in a log file, hence their limited size.

01/04/08 08:54 PM
Re: Party hist/tell hist

Oh, I see.. I think that with "tell" its fine as is but I expect ed party to act similar to clan which supports history option.

01/05/08 07:33 AM
Re: Party hist/tell hist

While we're kinda discussing parties, is there any way to toggle the body block option, and if not, could it be set so the leader doesn't ALWAYS body block. Would be better if it could be toggled on or off.

01/15/08 11:25 AM
Re: Party hist/tell hist

Well, party chats have two sides to them. There is the party line where people have been chatting in it for hours, or whatever, and then there's the party line called by your favorite name which you form every time you log on.
If you create it as the first person I dont think there should be a history of its chat from last night. Not worth admin's time to backup party lines that aren't static lines.

I'm all for keeping the history of a party line thats already active and simply deleting the history once there are no members to the party line.

04/03/08 08:53 AM
Re: Party hist/tell hist

We're going to call this a feature for now - only static lines will have the option to hist past the standard amount.

04/03/08 10:55 AM
Re: Party hist/tell hist

Any chance to increase the standard amount though? 10 lines is pretty limited in a busy party, or even in a busy conversation.

04/03/08 12:23 PM
Re: Party hist/tell hist

I think parties are designed to be a temporary thing so I'm against having them stored forever.

That said 10 isn't a lot but 100 is too much I think. Often times people will want to clear out the party history before inviting another person into the group and if it was 100 long they'd have to spam 100 lines of crap.

Of course this could always be fixed with a 'party line clearhistory' command I suppose.

04/03/08 12:25 PM
Re: Party hist/tell hist

Those suggestions should go in the mud idea forum