Geos Stormos
11/06/08 11:07 PM
Armour and Weapon Balance

Here is a thought. Currently, the make up of the game is very item intensive. To be particularly effective you have to have good items. If someone starts out brand new never having played they are at a significant disadvantage from the newbie who happened to have a benefactor who can pass them a full suit of armor and weapons to begin.

I would like to propose in some future discussion to make it so a players skills make up the bulk of their fighting ability. (This would require a significant change in the way devs are handed out but hey who doesn't like more devs.) I would recommend something like an 80% character skills, 20% weapons and armor split.

Weapons and armor are too important right now if you really want to enhance a character base. Back in the day, I made high mortal with a GM weapon and iron armor. (Mostly due to lack of money and a whole lot of crashes.)

Just a few thoughts.

Oh also, thanks to all of those hard working folk who are making Darke a better place to play.

11/07/08 09:29 AM
Re: Armour and Weapon Balance

This is an interesting topic because I've always thought that part of what makes post-CMS Darke different from old Darke is the emphasis that equipment takes. Prior to CMS skills and spells were the bee's knees because of autocrits - your equipment and levels could be twice as good as mine, but if I had an elementalist to drop plasma on my weapon I could kill you outright. Or if I was a thief/NB I could stab you in the back and see an impaling IK.

Conversely, one of Darke's strong points is the customizability (to coin a new word) of equipment. Ideally, a wide variety of equipment choices would be viable in different situations and emphasizing individual stats/skills/abilities over equipment could help to expand that. What the ramifications of such a de-emphasis would be are that player character balance would come more clearly into the spotlight - some guilds will just BE better than others without a heavy-handed overhaul of balance in a world where equipment is less of the defining factor.

I'd be curious as to what others think about the role of equipment is and should be. In the near past the sentiment has been for more and more emphasis on equipment, and anything to the detriment of that end has been soundly rebuffed by the players at large.