Onslaught: I'm sorry you haven't had the easiest time here on darke... perhaps your lack of networking skills is at the root of your troubles.
I am neither naive nor out of touch with darke, and my points are all extremely relevant. Instead of looking at your own personal hardships, try to see the bigger picture. Making this change so that someone like you can easily get restarted is not necessarily in the best long term interest of the mud.

Your argument is also a fallacy in that you assume that this is the only option to the problem you present. There are other solutions, and ones that don't have the drawbacks previously pointed out. Here are some ideas off the top of my head (which may or not be good - it's just brainstorming):
1) Better NPC services and found items (but strictly inferior to those provided by players)
2) Finding ways to promote darke and acquire new players, or making it more accessible by providing an appealing web-based interface
3) Creating spells and skills in other guilds which have similar effects to other guilds so essential things are more accessible. These alternative guild replacements should be strictly inferior and non-stackable with what they're standing in for. For example, elementalists could have a spell that grants TA vs specific elements to a target for *power hours. (but that doesn't stack with TA if a player's armour has it). There are actually quite a few skills and spells like this already, but they could be expanded on.
4) Permanent player shops. Being able to place items up for sale for long durations would make it easier for newcomers to find and purchase items and would have a natural competitive price element to it.

Finally, there is no need to get angsty simply because someone disagrees with you. Saying that you don't intend to be rude typically means you are being rude and know it, but don't want to be called on it. With your limited experience of the game, you should be more considering of other's perspectives. We're all trying to work towards a better darke here after all...