I have always been an immortal character on Darkemud. so my playing exp is very short. We have different players that like to MUD. some like the fast and quick get on top style of mud while others like the details and machanics of the mud. then another type of player is the roleplayer. To have just one mud doing all these things is a hard thing todo but possible with good planning and intergration of the new changes into the mud without problems for current players.

Any changes will cause players to leave and new players to start. everyone like a place that doesn't change. I have seen this many times with the change from pre-cms to cms system. Changes in skills or powers for spells.

right now I have seen changes. before I have seen changes because if this skill is to powerful it is pounded down. it seems like all the changes that have been done on the mud in the past have been to make things equal by cutting back and smoothing things out.

One thing I like about Order. From out of order chaos will always come and from chaos order will rise. it is always going to be changing. I have seen the mud go up and down. tried the war lib and then tried the triciroc land with learning only taught by players. each admin that has took the post here has put a direction they are most happy about. Shadowraith was the first one and he has had great ideas but the players didn't like change. but without change things get stail. Change hurts but with change comes new things to learn and more challenges. I have ideas but at the same time I have to worry about changing to much about the history of the mud. it is a hard thing to move or change the history of something like this place. we each come to the table with dreams and ideas. to mold those ideas into darkemud is a very hard thing and sometimes bug or issues come about.

What shall we do. could we make everything fluid. bring the world to chaos and try different things while it is in flux. then when things feel good we bring order into play until we feel an age of chaos is needed again.

I think I got out of toppic a little maybe.

Each person who plays here has a reason for sticking around. either friends or remembering the old times. not sure. but I have always had the view of a mud is like a book and a 3d game is like a movie of that book.

mudding will always be better than a 3d game for me, but sometimes we need to get a little rest and have some shorterm fun in a 3d world when we want to rest our minds.

when mudding our mind is working a lot more because everything has to be describe in minute details. I have a world I want to put into this mud but I have ideas to build the frame work for that world to be on. but I do not want to take to much out of the imaginaion out of the mud by trying to do to much text graphics.

we need to start some ideas going about how to stream line things but make things and players unique. is the CMS system the best system? I know it is easier for players that like to sit and do things to get exp. the reason we went CMS was for the tinkers and another few guilds to get experance because the combat for them sucked.

have we taken the correct route? is there a better way to travel now? can we do something else to make things different. to have a player die now is very hard on that person and requires time online. during the pre-cms system you would lose exp but still have power to fight back.

when we had the war lib going was that working ok? I know mog caused a lot of issues and I am still trying to figure out what happened. maybe I am getting old and forgetting things.

ok. enough. I think this should of been on the soap box or rant forum!

any ideas?

my spelling sucks and my gramer is not that far behind it. but if you get my idea my spelling and grammer are not required to be perfect.
To Live is to Learn, To Die is to Graduate.