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The Arch-Mage is a pure spell caster who is able to learn from the most diverse list of spells of all the mages. He hearkens back to the days of Arcane lore, before magic was divided, and as a result has the most varied range of spells of all mages. He is a true master of magic in all its forms, and is the most versatile of all the wizards.

Type: Pure Spell Caster

Skills: Limited to skills related to magic

Spells: Dabble in everything

Prime Attributes: Int, Wis

Examples: Arthuric Merlin, Circe, Medea

Comments: These mages have a spell for every occasion and every situation. Mystery and secrecy shroud the powerful arch-mages.

class/arch-mage.txt · Last modified: 2012/04/18 09:41 by obasics