I didn't realize we had a save on ghost feature. It seems not only counterintuitive, but a little drastic to boot. Was there ever discussion on why this was changed (something I could hopefully read myself, rather than hear second or fifth hand)?

Numbers are always a problem when suggesting things, but I would hope to have open dialogue on the topic. Realistic overtones aside, what would be a workable amount of money to max on a person? 100,000?

I'm sure there's a number of opinions. Wouldn't you be so kind as to voice those opinions and justify them? I went with the lowballed 5,000 because you could realistically carry, and buy a shop-set of new equipment with that amount. There's no reason to buy shop-sets of gear though, and realism is less than admirable in a computer game of this caliber, so what should we be able to do?
Please mail your views on balance to: