As for level restrictions on activating locks, I think the same about that as level restrictions on wielding weapons or wearing armour: I think it's a fairly silly and contrived thing that most MUDs implement and I was always glad Darke didn't. It doesn't make any realistic sense that weapons or armour are "too powerful" for someone to use without some artificial explanation.

I'm sure people could accuse me, a long-time player, of wanting to keep it out for the reason Harold mentioned: being able to bequeath superior weapons to my new characters. All I can say is that that is not my motivation. In a level playing field, I know I'll succeed, regardless of the rules. Either everyone will be slower, and I will be faster, or everyone will be faster and I will be even faster.

My motivation is simply that I prefer to keep "MUD logic," that makes little realistic sense, to a minimum.