Guild balance issues are still in the distant future, but it's wonderful having these conversations start early. I'm against reinstatement of instant-removal spells of any kind, and especially against the sorts that destroy pets, armour, weapons, and anything players spend many real hours making.

I think of it this way, but maybe you disagree - if you spend 3 hours to make a tinkered breastplate with full runes, and an elementalist comes along with a "rust" spell to destroy it, that spell should take 3 hours minimum to cause its destruction. Since there is no viable way to make a destructive spell that is both useful and takes 3 hours to complete (silent distance spells not withstanding) the concept is creative space that is best left untapped.

While 10 seconds of combat is sometimes enough to cause the death of pets that take 3 hours real time to make, that's more of an issue with the viability of pets versus players than combat's ability to kill them. So back on the topic of everlastings, I really enjoyed the flavor of these. I'm for seeing them again in some capacity or another.
Please mail your views on balance to: