Originally Posted By: Harold
Yes, flavor is important, and everlastings went a good way toward that end for me.

I agree. In fact, I think pets would be a good way to add flavour to the game, except that they're so weak in relation to players. Dragons, undead or otherwise, should be something of an obstacle.

As for necromancers, being a pet guild, I think they aren't as interesting as they could be. Basically, all their pets are nothing more then pre-requisites for bigger pets. There is some slight use for liches and demiliches, but largely, once necromancers get dracoliches and nethergeists, that's all they'll want to make. There's no further point to making smaller pets like vampires or ghasts.

It would be interesting if different pets had different powers. Not necessarily great combat powers, but perhaps one type of undead could carry things, another type of undead could allow its owner to fly with it (think mounted steed in terms of image, even if there's no literal mounts in Darke), etc.

Of course, I'd also like enchanter pets (especially dragon engines) to be overhauled, too. I think pets in general are underutilized by the game. All they are mostly good for is bad combat, lending mana or carrying things. That's a fairly small variety of use.