If somebody wants to work with the numbers there are a lot of ways to do that.

When I was leveling my monk and discovered I was having a lot of difficulty with magic, I trained completely by the numbers. I ensured that I recieved maximum xp gain for every dev spent.

Muod pretty much perfected my original sheet into including casting skill and multiple casting skills. To make the spreadsheet work the xp for spells and xp mods for the races we were playing had to be calculated but it was really anybody with high-school algebra should be able to figure it out in a few minutes.

I would be ok without even seeing how much xp to level. A percentage indicator (72% to level XX) or even just a description: "You have barely begun the journey to expand your mind" or something.
If you say plz because it is shorter than please, then I will say no because it is shorter then yes.