I tried to give input on test about the changes to combat. In its current inception, basically doing combat that takes a long time to kill is out and basically a waste of time. For instance, if I try to fight gatekeepers in vo with MA I loose all fps after 1 1/2 gatekeepers. This should be similar to doing combat with a non-IK exp weapon. I have to rest on a healing rune and regenerate all fps 4 times in order to clear out saak. For MA it is virtually impossible to cycle combat anymore. I give up on this character. I hope this offers some insight to anyone wanting to make a weapon that does not do IKs. If you do not kill very fast you will loose your fps insanely fast and its virtually impossible to cycle combat. I was told "there is a potential fix to this problem for MA users; but, it will not be coded by the powers that be."

Good luck.
