Kim you make very good points. It wasn't just the July change that put us here, it's a wide combination of changes over many years. Take the increased cap on weapons for example. That also has a huge effect on the exp you earn.

At any rate, it's been posted and said on Darke by Cerberus now that he's thinking and going to try to implement this nerf/combat exp nerf without p-wipe. As I tried to talk about I'm grossly against it for oh so many reasons, jut like I didn't approve of increasing the stuff to begin with.

That being said, he's asked I post a variety of ideas to address the goal he's trying to accomplish without having the negative effect of "f'ing" over the player base that they may be maybe slightly considered if good.

So I'm going to spend a day or 2 with valens and post a bunch of these ideas to achieve what his desired effect is. Please be patient.

Lastly in regards to how long changes take and they require all kinds of planning and etc. No offense but if asked too I could map out an entire balance schematic and implment it in a surprisingly short period of time. None ofthe changes we'll even suggest are all that complicated, the only complicated part is getting people to agree on an overall philosophy. The "plan" is what takes the longest, the implementation is actually surprisingly easy.

Anyway I'll post again in a couple days on this combat exp issue.