I appreciate your candor and participation in discussions, Lorthag. I don't like you, or anyone else for that matter but I fully respect each individual so long as they take no liberties with respectful interaction. I'm well aware that I'm a difficult person to have a conversation with (just ask my wife), but I do hope no one feels as though they are better off saying nothing than arguing with me. I value the input of players and would like nothing more than to have everyone participate in the direction of the mud.

What would go on a poll for player's wants?
New/larger/more/better/etc areas, clearly.
Infrastructure? (roads, boats, flying carpets, dragons?)
Artifacts? (quest-driven items?)

There's no way to allow for write-ins beyond adding replies to a poll, and I'd think that if anyone had a desire they'd post it in the forum anyway, so I'd like a comprehensive list before putting up a poll.
Please mail your views on balance to: