Rule 1) Carmy uses the word sucky to refer to himself, because he is sucky, and because he was a cleric, also refers to the clerics-of-Risla as sucky.

Rule 2) Replace sucky wit awesome, because clerics are actually really good, mind you, only when you're like level 60 overall heh.

Seems like most guilds get potent spells way before clerics do. I as a cleric didn't suck, but I wasn't a beast either. A cleric's ability is almost completely reliant upon the % concentrate skill you have at least from my experience. We used to have instill poison, which was removed. We had pwk undead, removed. Spirit anchor (ok, unbalanced a bit) but removed (I really liked it). Anything else removed? The only spell that can do damage to a high-end character is cause critical wounds, and that's if the other char doesn't resist. Seems kinda silly to me.