
The Drow elves are an almost invariably evil race of Elves, whose talents and tendencies lean heavily towards the magical arts. Most are very alert because of the upbringing in a trecherous home. They are cunning and cruel. They tend to dress in flowing garments of black with silver trim. They are ambitious to the end. On rare occasions Drow have been known to repent their evil ways and lean towards a more philanthropic view of life.


Drow elves are naturally resistant to magic (magic_resistance). They also possess dark_vision superior to most other supernatural races. Drow have the ability to summon globes of darkness and outline targets in faerie_fire which causes no harm but makes the target brightly visible to everyone who sees them. They can also levitate for short periods of time. Being very skilled in the arts of magic, their magical endurance is much greater than that of most other races.

Physical Characteristics:

Drow elves are extremely intelligent and dexterous (ambidexterity), but share surface elves' comparative frailty and slight frames. Other races consider Drow elves short and curt, lacking in social graces due to limited interaction.

Stat Bonuses

  • Charisma: -15
  • Comliness: —
  • Constitution: -5
  • Dexterity: +15
  • Endurance: -5
  • Intelligence: +15
  • Memory: +10
  • Reactions: +10
  • Strength: —
  • Willpower: +5
  • Wisdom: —

Innate Skills


Innate Spells

  • Levitation * 1
  • Faerie fire * 1
  • Darkness * 1

race/drow-elf.txt · Last modified: 2012/04/18 09:48 by obasics