Now that you've created a character, it's time to use him. First off lets telk about an area. Every time you move you enter a new area. Here you can see a description of your surroundings, scents, sounds, and a list of exits to new areas. It's up to you to imagine in your mind's eye where everything is, based on those descriptions.

Getting the Scene Down

There are a few basic rules to this mental landscape. You can only react to certain objects using key words located in the description of the area. So pay close attention to your surroundings. You can only leave in the directions given to you. The only exception to this are hidden exits. Smell and Taste play an important role in finding clues to secret actions in the area. Excess or low light will make it so you can not see the area you are in so keep a few torches handy for these situations.


Distance is Figurative in Darke. All areas can be moved through at the same speed no matter how large or small they are described to be. A few things can change this such as being slowed. But these are rare occasions.


Time is divided up into 2 second phases.

Taking Your Turn

Much as in any other game, the next step to adventuring is taking Turns. Characters take there turn in the order they acted within the round.

Taking an Action

When it's your Turn, you can do one thing, called Taking an Action. But what kind of actions can you perform when your chance comes up? And how do they all work together? In general, there are two kinds of Actions in Darke: Basic Actions, which are simple tasks you'll want to perform during your turn, and Skills, which represent more sophisticated manuevers that add strategy and tactics to your game play.

The following section discusses Basic Actions a character can perform, each explained. Skills are in their own section.

Kill: This is fairly self-explanitory. You use this to attempt to beat the living snot out of something.
syntax: kill [target]

Inventory: Displays all items that you are carrying and displays whether an item is worn or wielded.
syntax: inventory

Get: Try and pick up all the items in an area or just a single item.
syntax: get [item], get all

Give: Give one of your items away. You must be in the same area for this to occur.
syntax: give [item] to [person]

Drop: Drop all of your items or just a single item.
syntax: drop [item], drop all
