- Time -

Darkemud time, works just like it does in real life; dividing reality into seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, etc.

The Darke calendar and clock work like this:

20 seconds to a minute
40 minutes to an hour
20 hours to a day
5 days to a week
4 weeks to a month
10 months to a year

The days of the week, in order are:
Hinare, Aglarare, Lomear, Olorare, and Firinare

Hin'are is Children (rebirth) day
Aglar'are is Glory (brilliance) day
Lome'are is Shades of night day
Olor'are is Dream day
Firin'are is Dead day

First 3 months are Winter followed by 2 months of Spring.
Then 3 months of Summer followed by 2 months of Autumn.

The months of the year, in order are:
Ranluma, Olosluma, Helkluma, Aranwenya, Olvawenya, Gillaer, Ballaer,
Urlaer, Lassedim, and Sintadim

Ran'luma is To wander month(winter)
Olos'luma is Snow month(winter)
Helk'luma is Ice-cold month(winter)

Aran'wenya is King month(spring)
Olva'wenya is Plant month(spring)

Gil'laer is Star month(summer)
Bal'laer is Power(energy) month(summer)
Ur'laer is Heat month(summer)

Lasse'dim is Leaf month(autumn)
Sinta'dim is grey month(autumn)

The nights of Darke are ruled by the three moons.

Warzau: The red moon rules agression and anger.

Ankh: The blue moon rules wellness and protection.

Luna: The green moon rules guile and trickery.